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C.B Garris's Success Story

"I am beyond thankful for everything BookJet has ever done for me and for my book."

Transforming C.B. Garris's Book: 2-Month Results

Nearly a year ago, C.B. Garris, joined forces with BookJet Publicity. He placed his trust in us to refine and rebrand his story for the world. This marked the beginning of a six-month collaboration filled with discussions, revisions, and strategic improvements to craft a compelling narrative.


Today, we're thrilled to report that after just two months of its release, Chris's book has achieved outstanding results, with over 900 copies sold. This remarkable journey demonstrates what's possible when dedication meets creative expertise. Chris's story has resonated with readers, proving that sometimes, a willingness to transform can lead to extraordinary success.


The book also got nominated for the Reader's Favorite Awards.


Rebranding Process

We embarked on a comprehensive revision of his book, delving deep into its core. Our aim was to infuse greater value into his storytelling, all while amplifying the impact of his memoir through a captivating book cover redesign.




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Success over Time

Has sold almost 1,000 books in two months

A testament to our unwavering marketing efforts, C.B. Garris' book has rapidly soared, nearing the impressive milestone of selling nearly 1,000 books in just two short months. 


Growth in Sales in 2 months with 3 Revies so far

5.0 Ratings ★★★★


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